The Cultural Association ‘Jesús Medrano Awards’, on the occasion of the traditional Christmas festivities, and aiming to maintain and stimulate our customs and traditions, announces the
in accordance with the following BASES:
First. The following categories are established:
SCHOOL CATEGORY (students enrolled in schools in any educational modality)
– Infantil A (Nursery, 3 years)
– Infantil B (Reception and KS1, year 1: 4-5 years)
– Child Functional Diversity (3-6 years)
– 1s and 2nd Primary School (KS1, year 2 and KS2, year 1)
– 3rd and 4th Primary School (KS2, years 2 and 3)
– 5th and 6th Primary School (KS2, years 4 and 5)
– Functional Diversity Primary School
– High school
– Functional Diversity Secondary School
– TVA (Special Education-Transition to adult life)
– PFCB (Basic Qualification Training Program)
GENERAL CATEGORY (rest of people without age limit):
– General category
– General Category Functional Diversity
The association, at the proposal of the jury, will award so many prizes, second prize and diplomas as deemed appropriate by the quality of the works presented.
Second. The work must be original and unpublished. The subject and technique will be free, provided it fits the character and Christmas message typical of these dates. It will be valued, as merit to take into account, that it can be properly reproduced in print.
Third. The format is A5 sheet (14.8 x 21 cm).
Quarter. The works may be presented until the December 16th 2022 inclusive, by the following means: a) In the headquarters of the association, 9 Enseñanza St. – Castelló (12001) – Spain, in hours from 5 to 7 p.m. b) By postal mail to the address above indicated. c) By electronic means, through the form enabled on our website:
Fifth. Each card will be presented in a sealed envelope with the motto of the card and category written on the outside. The envelope will include: the card (on the back of which must be indicated its motto and also the specific category to which it belongs) and a sheet with the author’s personal data (name and surname, age, address, phone and email of the contact person, category to which you choose, course and educational center).
Sixth. The association will choose the jury that will be composed by people of the organization, the cultural field, entities sponsors and the Medrano-Badenes family. The decision of the jury will be final and may exclude any work if considered inappropriate or it does not conform to the bases. If the selected card would have been presented through the form of our website, the interested person will be contacted so that send us the original work, a requirement that will be essential.
Seventh. With the aim of contributing to improve the quality and increase in resources of educational centers, the organization will grant a special prize to the centers that have obtained a greater number of selected cards, which may consist of books, educational and/or audiovisual material.
Eighth. The awards ceremony, as well as the exhibition of the selected works will be carried out in february 2023, and will be conditioned by the social health situation caused by Covid-19. The dates and places will be published on the website and in the Social Network of the contest.
Ninth. The jury will decide, from among the awarded cards, the one which will become next year’s “Christmas Card” (Christmas 2023) published by the association itself.
Tenth. The organization will be governed by following the regulations in force in terms of data protection and processing. Check our website:
Eleventh. Participation in the contest will entail transfer, in favor of the association, of all copyrights corresponding to the works presented, and the acceptance in full of these rules.